Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Blog catch-up

There never seems to be enough time for everything. Of course, every one I know seems to have that problem. It's one of those universal western civilization things I guess. Anyway, here is a blog hodge podge:
Last week I went with Bernadette's class on a field trip to the post office. Had to leave early for a dental appointment.
Picture 1 is of a new business construction here in town, one of what seems like about a thousand new businesses going up. This one is near the new Peppers Pizza restaurant. Not sure what it is going to be. My last blog about all the new construction etc actually inspired a new song of mine, which I plan on recording for the next album.
Picture 2 is of Colette. She received her report card today and got straight A's. On top of that she qualified for the finals of the school spelling bee for 1st grade. The top 3 made it to the finals in each class, and I believe there are 4 or 5 classes. The finals will be in April.
Frederick has kept us up a good portion of the last several nights. I've not had much sleep. Today he started running a temperature, so Lauren took him to the doctor.
The day job is keeping me busy, and generally speaking, it is not something I talk about publicly. I did have to run an errand for it today and stop by there for a bit in addition to dealing with some phone calls even though it was my day off.
Dealing with a few music biz issues too---one which has to do with digital sales and one with performance royalty paperwork. Things that got messed up by no fault of mine but seemingly impossible to get fixed.
More music issues but this has to do with the equipment and software to record the demos on my computer. Can't seem to get that straight.
I was able to correct a minor issue with my family tree program so I am now able to print some genealogy reports to send to my cousin.
I probably won't be blogging tomorrow--I have a rather long day ahead of me.

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