Who would have thought that my first two releases after my hiatus would be a children’s album with my daughters and a duet with my wife on an ‘80’s cover song remade with New Orleans Saints lyrics? Good thing I’m not a betting man, but I wanted my family to be involved and they certainly have been!
Happy Fun has been just that. It was fun recording in the studio and fun making the Happy Fun and The Turkey Song videos. We have more videos planned—assuming my aged camera holds up. It has been a bit fickle of late. Of course, if anyone with higher grade eqiupment wants to be involved, feel free to let me know.
Not sure what happens other than that. We would like to do some live shows but don’t have anything planned yet. We also have a new song and a few others in the works. We hope to record another album if sales of Happy Fun justifies it. I am very encouraged, and it is good to know that fans are making multilpe purchases.
Fred Clark-- Happy Fun is available at Cdbaby and iTunes. Videos are at http://www.youtube.com/fredclarktv .
We’ve been talking about doing a Saints song since before the season started, and pretty early on I thought the Sly Fox song, “Let’s Go All The Way” would be perfect. I always liked that song. We were distracted by Happy Fun, the holidays, and other day to day responsibilites in general. Lauren kept saying we had to get it done, so she wrote the new lyrics and set it all in motion. Trenell was able to lay down the instrumental tracks and have everything ready for us when we went into Big Bang Studio on the 10th. Things went very smoothly in the vocal booth. Lots of discussion went on about the mix—-long story short—Lauren was right, and we were able to release the song on the 14th. Lauren did an excellent job on the video. She has some other ideas in mind for future “Fred and Lauren” projects.
Fred and Lauren—“Saints Go All The Way” is now available at http://www.fredandlauren.bandcamp.com and will be on Itunes in 2-4 weeks.
The video is on Lauren’s channel-- http://www.youtube.com/llotty1966 .
My mind now turns to the non-children, non duet aspect of my career. 2 songs were recorded last summer back in the St. Louis area. I have about 9 other songs that I want to record with my mates up there. I’m thinking I will be releasing those songs as singles eventually.
I’m also hopeful to record an album here. I’ve recorded some of those demos with my mates in Luling. Now its just a matter of finding the time to rehearse with the band, record the demos and putting the financing together to go into the big studio.
I have another project in mind too, but first things first. I also wouldn’t mind playing bass again in a band either, just in case someone is looking....
Anyway, thank you so much for your support. Hope to see you soon.